Experience Changes That Work

Stop the struggle.  Trauma informed care addresses underlying issues contributing to unwanted emotions and behavior.  Develop these skills and Live better now.

Kathleen Putnam, MS RDN CD

Dietitian, Food Therapist, & Lifestyle Coach

Kathleen is a Registered Dietitian, Food Therapist, Lifestyle Coach and Consultant. She has over 25 years experience treating disease, and helping clients overcome food, and eating issues. Kathleen is an expert in the relationship between trauma and food and body struggles. Also a parent and grief coach, Kathleen offers a compassionate approach toward healing. She focuses on empowering individuals and families to create balanced healthy relationships with food and their bodies.


Helping you move through trauma, grief, parenting to support your health
​Stop the Stigma – No Shame, No Blame

Chat With Kathleen

Schedule a 15 minute call with Kathleen to learn more, ask questions and hear about the offerings.

Group Coaching

“Unfinished Business, No Regrets” & “Re-Parenting Ourselves to Health”. Learn more now.

Personal Coaching Sessions

Receive undivided attention and learn to utilize skills to transform your relationship with food, your body, and your life.

Get Your Free Guide​

How to Stop the Suffering and Shame without Dieting
If my best friend needed nutritional support, I would send her to Kathleen Putnam. She is one of the most compassionate, big-hearted, open-minded, authentic people I know. And she loves to laugh! Her clients feel truly listened to, understood, and supported.
Minh Hai Alex
MS RD Mindful Nutrition


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